Archive for October, 2010


How to Awaken a Teenager

Posted by Laurie on October 30th, 2010
filed in motherhood, parenting, teen

This is the post that pretty much has been in everyone’s email and was on Yahoo! I thought I should post it here because…well, I wrote it. Have a great weekend!
When you first become a parent, nobody tells you that the tiny, cute, little baby in your arms will someday grow up to be a [...]

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Happy Halloween!

Posted by Laurie on October 29th, 2010
filed in Facebook

So today, as I was standing in the front yard giving my neighbors an incredible view of my mismatched jammies and bed-head hairdo, I realized I was the only one on the street without a pumpkin. Not even one. All the rest of the neighbors have a billion of them piled on their porches. Crap. [...]

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Clean Rooms and Man-Panties

Posted by Laurie on October 28th, 2010
filed in motherhood, parenting, teen

You know how one day everything is perfectly normal? The teenager goes to school, comes home, eats everything in the fridge, reluctantly does his homework and then stomps off to his messy room? And then one day, the teenager doesn

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Hey New Friends!

Posted by Laurie on October 27th, 2010
filed in Uncategorized

So the response from the Yahoo! article has been overwhelming to say the least! I’m trying to get through all of the comments–and trust me, one day I will. In the meantime, thank you for visiting and making my day with your comments.
And yeah, sadly, my website lacks a LIKE button. This is what happens [...]

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Halloween Candy Do’s and Dont’s

Posted by Laurie on October 27th, 2010
filed in motherhood, parenting, teen

You know from time to time I get to use this blog to perform a great public service. Okay, maybe not a great public service, but a public service nonetheless. And what, you may ask is this public service I

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The Eternal Question…Why?

Posted by Laurie on October 27th, 2010
filed in Uncategorized, motherhood, parenting, teen

There is a word that parents hate. It

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