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Archive for March, 2013
How to Pick a College
Posted by Laurie on March 18th, 2013
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Featured Posts
How to Awaken a Teenager
Parenting Survival Tips
How to Make a Sandwich. Really.
How to Communicate wth a College Student
Pumpkin Spice: It's from Hell
Shoes - A Financial Lesson
DIY Friday - What the heck was I thinking?
Welcome to the Annual Cleaning of the Car
Science of Parenthood Giveaway!
Introducing Chicks Without Bricks - the ebook
Chillpocolypse...Or How to Survive Winter in California
Happy Black Friday or how Thanksgiving gets the shaft
Pinterest intimidates the craft outta me
The Dangers of Twerking
Back to School - YAY!
How to Humiliate a Teenager
Give me my coffee and nobody gets hurt
There's a song in my head and it won't leave!
The Keeper of Lost Stuff (aka Mom)
How to Pick a College
Girl Scout cookies might be evil
Honey Boo-Boo, Steven Hawking and me
Dear Apple, Siri needs my help
Apparently, I'm not a domestic goddess. Or organized.
New Year's Resolutions 2013
Oh, you crazy Mayans
Christmas decor by an engineer
The no good, awful, I shoulda stayed in bed day
How to plan for Thanksgiving dinner
FYI, Turkeys are Stupid...
Election Day, Facebook and me
Happy Halloween!
No, I can't resist Halloween candy...
Facebook, coffee and status updates
I'm thinking of food...
Even my dogs won't eat my cooking
Pick up your shoes!
Attack of my evil tomatoes
Turns out it's Wednesday...
The Bad Day
Random Dancing for Friday
The reason I haven't been posting much lately...
I hate my bluetooth but I love my Eminem
Attack of the Killer Leftovers
Walking the dog
Check me out!
Using the internet for medical advice
The Summer Olympics - A Mom Guide
Stuck on a tarmac or how I went to hell on vacation
4th of July Do's and Don'ts
Self-tanner: A How-not-to Guide
Karen Klein, bus monitor
Gift Giving for Father's Day
Fifty Shades of Grey: A book review
CDC and the Zombie apocalypse
How the world's largest cabbage defeated me
Apparently, I judge people
Happy Mother's Day; bring me my clone
Check me out on Yahoo!
CSI: My kitchen
So this nerd walks into a bar...
Say cheese...and pose for a family photo
Life and Taxes
Easter chocolate...yes, I ate it all
Hilary Rosen works, SAHMs apparently don't
My parents have Facetime, so don't be naked
Titanic 3D...or waiting for Jack to fall off a door
I'm back...and Disneyland hates me
I'm losing my mind
Offline for a bit
Tiger mother, perfect bebe
History homework and the (possibly) lazy teen
Valentine's Day was easier back when...
Flashback Friday: Junior's First Girlfriend
My coffee scared me today
I am a Princess (if I say it enough, it will be true)
Win a trip to NYC!
It's Groundhog Day! Celebrate! Or not.
Revenge of the Girl Scout Cookies
How shoes grow
Yeah, I might be housework-impaired
Finally, Junior buys a car...with help
Car shopping with teen is hell
Teenagers are just like 3 year olds, only bigger
The things I think while driving
Gratitude List 2011
Fat pants and holidays...
Happy Holidays
A Festivus Holiday Letter
The fat guy is scary or how my dog ate Santa
Kirby's Annual Holiday Post
12 days of Christmas
How to study for finals
The Elf on the Shelf is a spy
It's an Actress! It's a Model! No, it's Supermum!
Flashback Friday: Before No-no Lulu, Kirby ruled
No-no Lulu eats Christmas
Thanksgiving Leftovers: Attack of the killer yams
Flashback Friday: Parking Lot Rules
'Twas the night before Thanksgiving...
Dear Food Network, you are ruining my life
Twilight, why I'm not a fan.
The Winners are...
Flashback Friday: Respect the turkey!
Keeping important documents safe...not.
Something wicked this way comes...
Flashback Friday: My cookie jar was haunted
No, I don't know why I'm obsessed with bulls
I miss the timeout chair
What to Expect...yep it's a giveaway
Good Lord, Barbie, what have you done?
The joys of school fundraising
The King of the Remote
What am I? The maid?
Barbie needs to get me
Flashback Friday: Disney on ice
Resisting Halloween candy is futile
My zucchini plant runneth over
In with the new microwave, out with the old microwave
Yes, we have a dog on a diet
Flashback Friday: First grade, first love, first girlfriend
Ode to a dead microwave
The driving lessons aren't going well
No shirt, no shoes, big problem
Zips lines, vacations and dare devils, oh my.
Remembering 9/11
Flashback Friday: Remembering 9/11
Really? Teens wear pajamas to school?
Flashback Friday: The art of nagging
Kids sue mom - for "bad mothering"
Goofy times with Dad
Back to School Shopping
I'm not obsessed with cupcakes
Driving Instructions
I'm not ready for summer to end
Driving instructions - this should scare all of us
Flashback Friday: Road Trips with Junior
Pedicures and 4 year olds, oh my!
My diet diary
Driver's Ed...yes, it scares the crap out of me
Please vote for Ava so my sister will shut up ;)
The man cave
Flashback Friday: A day without teen texting
No-No Lulu and the lost socks
Flashback Friday: Breaking the rules on the 4th
I wish I had learned Spanish...
Thanks, teachers and coaches
Flashback Friday: My memory is going
1-800-Flowers update
Facing my fears: Rattlesnake in the driveway
Flashback Friday: Happy Father's Day, Dad
I do not camp.
And this is why I suck at belly dancing
Flashback Friday: Sunday drives with Dad
I am an idiot, according to my son
I do not camp. Ever.
Happy Graduation, now live a great life
Guest Blog: Betty and Veronica Revisted
Home improvement: How to install a ceiling fan
Waiting in the carpool line
Flashback Friday: Action figure or doll? & Mothers' Day: the resolution
Dear Jim, 1800 Flowers sucks
The Great Ear Piercing of 2011
Ear piercings and letting the baby grow into a man
Equal Time: Hats from the Derby
Happy Mother's Day
Lessons in Mommyhood from Mom and Grandma
Thanks, Mom
The Royal Wedding and the hats from Hell
Please. Is it that difficult to load a dishwasher?
Seriously, how hard is it to get a kid to brush his teeth?
The Easter Bunny, tequila and chocolate
Why is my teen always late?
Flashback Friday: Becoming Martha Stewart
Parenting Survival Tips
Flashback Friday: Not-so-amusing amusement parks
Summer Camps a mom needs
Socks, the day from hell and oenophiles
Laundry Training School is now open
Flashback Friday: Junior's first girlfriend
Attack of the Ugly Bridesmaid Dresses
Why did it have to be snakes?
Flashback Friday: No use crying over spilt milk
I have a criminal past, but I can explain
Let sleeping dogs lie. Or lay. Whatever.
Flashback Friday: Law & Order for moms
Seriously? It's all about me. 25 things you don't know.
Pottery Barn, mossy balls and why I don't do crafts
Flashback Friday: Lizards and I are not friends
Who's your Tooth Fairy?
I want the last word, damnit!
Presenting...No-no Lulu and Kirby
No-no Lulu's idea of hell on earth
Dear first crush...thanks for the memories
How to have a Happy Valentine's Day
This is why Moms don't get to be sick
Go ahead: steal my blog
I'm covered in poo and it's the teen's fault
I have phobias and I'm not afraid to write about them
How not to answer the door
This is why I need coffee
Seriously? I have allergies and they aren't good
5 things I wish for my teen
Are Chinese mom's superior? Twitter Chat w/Yahoo Shine
And this is why I don't clean
Flashback Friday: I hate LEGO. And it hates me.
Saving the can of spray cheese at a time
My Grateful List
Bye-Bye Old Decade!
Happy Holidays!
Holiday Questions from a Dog
Toddler Tuesday: Christmas and the Hot Toy
Holiday Photos: The Good, the Bad, the Fake
Holiday Parking, or How Not to Run Over Grandma
Flashback Friday: Yes, Junior, There is a Santa Claus
Toddler Tuesday: TV can be Useful
Over-decorating the House
Thanksgiving Disasters? Hey, I Got Your Back.
How to Choose a Turkey
Toddler Tuesday: Parenting Classes for Real Parents
How to Make a Sandwich. Really.
Flashback Friday: The First Time We Had the "Talk"
Math Projects, Weekends and Wine Don't Mix
Toddler Tuesday: Visits from the Toothfairy
My Dogs are Out to Get Me. Really.
Flashback Friday: Field Trips for Crazy Parents
Hey Mother Nature? You Suck.
The Great Toilet Paper Crisis
I am an Old Fart...And Proud of it
Meet No-no Lulu, the Dog from Hell
How to Awaken a Teenager
Happy Halloween!
Clean Rooms and Man-Panties
Hey New Friends!
Halloween Candy Do's and Dont's
The Eternal Question...Why?
Back to School! Yay!
How Much can a Teenage Boy Eat?
There's an Alien in my Fridge!
Teen Room? Hazardous Waste Site? Both?
Now - Defined by a Teenager
Am I repeating myself? Am I repeating myself?
Don't get these gifts for Mother's Day, please!
Warning: Teenager Ahead
Lessons from a kid: How to be a tightwad
If it's Spring it must be science fair season
The Horrors of Teen Shaving
The Mom Olympics
When did January Become Swimsuit Season?
WTF? Why did I teach my kid to speak?
What's the Deal with Kids and Elevators?
The Year in Review, 2009
Happy Holidays
Cutting Down the @#$%^ Christmas Tree
How Not to Write a Holiday Newsletter
'Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving
Just Another New Moon
WTF? Do I spring forward? Or fall back?
Choosing Halloween Candy: Do's and Don'ts
Catalog Kids: Aliens in Your Mailbox
Sports Parents: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Keeping the mystery in a relationship
Where have all the sweatshirts gone?
Let's Talk About Sex, Baby
Why I Hate Laundry
The Mouse, The Mojito and Me
If it's Nearly Labor Day, You Must be Camping
Yes I do Hear Voices in My Head
How I spent my Summer Vacation
The One Where I'm Just Like Jen Aniston
Never Trust a Movie Rating
Family Vacations are not for the Faint of Heart
Exercise is Bad for Me
Hello, My Name is Laurie and I'm Addicted to Facebook
It Must Be Summer Because I'm Freezing
How to Speak Dad
The Truth About Men and Women And Vocabulary
We're Experiencing...
Revenge of the Porta Potties
My Parents Went to Texas and All I Got Was
DIY Disasters
dogs from hell
Flashback Friday
Guest Blog
Weird things I do
Weird things the husband does
Yahoo Shine
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Science of Parenthood
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