Thanksgiving Disasters? Hey, I Got Your Back.

Posted on November 22nd, 2010

Thanksgiving is in exactly 3 days–or maybe 2–yeah, I’ll admit it. I don’t remember if you count today or not. Or count the day of the event or not. I’m calendar-impaired, okay? Anyway, it

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4 Responses to “Thanksgiving Disasters? Hey, I Got Your Back.”

  1. Karrin Says:

    *lol* Have a Great Thanksgiving!!

  2. Katy's mom Says:

    Super funny. Sounds like stuff that could/would happen in my home.

  3. R U Serious?? (Bob) Says:

    HAHAHAHA!!!! My backup plan is always corned beef and cabbage. The poor thing has been my freezer for two years, so I guess my ‘not-burning-the-turkey’ (in front of 20 guests!) remains intact! Just an electrical glitch and a small grease fire this year! The trick is to get the guests drunk while you remain sober!!

    Anyhow, I hope you had a VERY Happy Thanksgiving!!

  4. Laurie Says:

    Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving too! Not one kitchen disaster this year. Of course, Christmas is coming…so there is still time to burn the kitchen down.

    Although, I’ve never mastered getting others drunk while I stay sober. How the heck would I even do that?

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