Driving Instructions

Posted on August 11th, 2011

This post was originally a guest post for Scary Mommy, who rocks. I am posting it here because a) I haven’t had time to write anything new because it’s the last two weeks until school starts; and b) I’m busy trying to hide all the receipts from back to school shopping cuz I kind of went over my budget. Ahem.

If someone would have told me years ago that I would someday be teaching a teenager to drive, I

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3 Responses to “Driving Instructions”

  1. Nicole Jade Says:

    Ha, this is funny. I remember driving (ha-driving) my parents crazy when they were teaching me. I could feel that my dad wanted to barf after our little adventures cause he was so nervous!

    “Running on Empty” – http://mysanityblogspot.blogspot.com

  2. OneMommy Says:

    Thankfully we have years before teaching our children to drive… But I can see my son now in my mind – he has a wicked sense of humor as a 2 year old, so it ain’t going to be pretty! Laughed my butt off on some of these!

  3. Laurie Says:

    @Nicole – LOL. Don’t all kids eventually drive their parents crazy :)

    @One Mommy, it’s funny, till you are in the passenger seat. As one of my friend’s said “at first it was terrifying, but now that the xanax has kicked in, I’m enjoying being driven around.”

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