Yes, we have a dog on a diet

Posted on September 27th, 2011

"Got any snacks? Yams? Duck? Yams wrapped in duck?"


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4 Responses to “Yes, we have a dog on a diet”

  1. Natalia Says:

    Well at least Kirby is gonna be a healthy dog. She reminds me of my daschund, exactly as lazy but strangely fit, whilst another dog of mine is the active and fat one. I just don’t get it.

  2. Laurie Says:

    @Natalia, I don’t get it either. Probably because I identify with Kirby. We both eat too much and after our daily walk, we’re kinda lazy :)

  3. Debbie Says:

    Yes we knew the day it was time to put our dauchsand on a diet when he ran, made the attempt to jump up on the couch, bounced off the cushion and landed on his back and couldn’t roll over. He lays on his side and his little feet stick straight out. Just sad. He wheezes and grunts in his sleep. I swear he is a little old man.

  4. Laurie Says:

    @Debbie. LOL! I’m sorry I’m laughing so hard at the image of your dog with his feet sticking up! Poor Kirby was on her way to that, believe me :)

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