Ahh, Valentine’s day. I remember when it was a fun time in school like you stated. It morphed into me giving gifts to boyfriends and getting some humdinger of gifts from said boyfriends (not on the same year. well, wait there was that one year when a few guys gave me gifts, that were not my boyfriend at that time). But now it has a new meaning. The first Valentine’s day my husband and I celebrated after our wedding, we were at the hospital having our daughter. Yes, my little girl is a Valentine’s baby. She is the ultimate gift. I even copped my own flowers and gifts that year. In the years since, I still get a gift and sometimes flowers. Though, for the last 6 years (gasp! she is sis tomorrow!), Valentine’s day is her Birthday, and we try to make it special for her in everyway we can. She is the best gift I will ever receive or give on Valentine’s day.
February 14th, 2012 at 3:57 am
Ahh, Valentine’s day. I remember when it was a fun time in school like you stated. It morphed into me giving gifts to boyfriends and getting some humdinger of gifts from said boyfriends (not on the same year. well, wait there was that one year when a few guys gave me gifts, that were not my boyfriend at that time). But now it has a new meaning. The first Valentine’s day my husband and I celebrated after our wedding, we were at the hospital having our daughter. Yes, my little girl is a Valentine’s baby. She is the ultimate gift. I even copped my own flowers and gifts that year. In the years since, I still get a gift and sometimes flowers. Though, for the last 6 years (gasp! she is sis tomorrow!), Valentine’s day is her Birthday, and we try to make it special for her in everyway we can. She is the best gift I will ever receive or give on Valentine’s day.
February 14th, 2012 at 3:58 am
haha! look Manic we both have typo-s in our posts today! We rock!
February 14th, 2012 at 4:04 am
Gina, lol! I always have a typo somewhere! Too many years relying on an editor to clean my stuff up
Six!!! The years fly by, don’t they? Happy Valentine’s day! And Happy Birthday to your daughter!
February 16th, 2012 at 5:46 pm
omg. hilarious. love the – do you give candy to the dieter. you are a crack up.
February 16th, 2012 at 7:54 pm
@Monica, Thanks! And shhhh. Don’t tell anyone, but you know the dieter is really me